Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Challenge ideas post...

Hey peeps, I think I'm going to just set a bunch of timed posts in big batches to deploy on their respective days and such. So I'm going to go sit on my porch with a glass of wine and think of challenges to type out... when I get back, I expect to see a buttload of your ideas in the comments below.

Or just whenever you think of a good one, I'll check this post periodically and add them to the queue.

Peace, y'all


  1. What is your favorite thing about summer?

  2. Hmm...
    Draw your biggest pet peeve(s)

    Things you shouldn't do in the kitchen...random but could be interesting...maybe?

    Personify your first initial

  3. back in from the porch. I'll throw those in the mix! Keep 'em coming!

  4. Self-portrait sticky note.

    Draw another sticky-noter.

    Draw your pet.
